Healthy Living Blog,
News & Events

February 10, 2021


At GenCare Lifestyle, we strive every day to keep our residents healthy in mind, body, and spirit and that has not changed since the news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks in Washington State. Although we have had to cancel all group activities and close our doors to visitors, we have been able to keep residents engaged and positive during this unique time, using our Whole Life Living model. All Vitality activities have been restructured to be one-on-one with our staff members, while also providing more independent activities for residents to do in their apartments.

Our residents have shared many reasons why they feel that living in our retirement communities have helped keep their spirits up and grateful they have the support of others to help them during a time that can feel isolating and stressful. Today and always, we are #GenCareStrong.

Rudy at Point Ruston, Tacoma says he will exercise all day, now that he discovered he can use his arms to push/pull, his legs to pedal, and his brain to watch YouTube videos about the unanswerable questions of the universe.

Darlene sharing why she’s grateful to be living at our Point Ruston, Tacoma community.

Carol at Point Ruston, Tacoma participating in a purpose-based activity, making face masks with our Vitality Director.

Frances at Steel Lake, Federal Way sharing her family photos with staff during their one-on-one check-in visits.

With our beauticians unable to visit the communities right now, our Vitality Director brushed up on her beauty school skills and has been able to provide “Shampoo & Sets” for the residents at The Lodge, Renton.

Even though group classes are cancelled, Barbara at Ballard Landmark is still sticking with her routine and doing one-on-one personal training with our Fitness Director.

Lillian from Scriber Gardens, Lynnwood taking her daily walk with our Fitness Director.

Janet at The Village, Granite Falls enjoying her workout and some one-on-one time with our Fitness Director.

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